Contact Us

What makes GigaFast such a competitive manufacturer is not only due to our experienced engineering team, nor only due to our superior ability to contract manufacture at a competitive price.  What makes GigaFast so competitive is our ability to serve our customers.  We recognize that manufacturing is not just product based, but also service based.

To provide this superior service, GigaFast uses worldwide offices to achieve this. A truly international manufacturer, GigaFast’s headquarter is located in Sijhih, Taiwan. Our manufacturing is located in Dong Guan, China and our sales and marketing office is located in San Jose, California.

With internationally based sales and marketing team, GigaFast is able to more accurately support customer needs and requirements, building not only superior product, but superior relationships.

Lets get in touch!

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We are always looking for better sources for material and components.  If you think you have something we could be interested in, please fill out the form below and someone from our purchasing team will get in touch with you.

For Component Vendors:

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